Sunday 29 June 2014

Naughty, Naughty Mr Tesco

Naughty, Naughty Mr Tesco !

What's the difference between these two packs of Chicken Mini Fillets????

Their Size??
Yes.. One is 350 grams and the other is 400 grams

Their Price??
Yes the 350 gram one is £4.00 and the 400 gram one is £3.00

Yes the smaller pack is £1 more expensive than the bigger pack.........
BUT it is included in the buy 3 for £10 offer, so that's OK then..

3 for £10 = £3.33 each....

so that means however you buy the 350 gram pack of Chicken Mini Fillets, it will be more expensive 
than the 400 gram pack!!!!!

Naughty, Naughty Mr Tesco..................treating its customers like idiots!